Injectable PrEP: A New Option for HIV Prevention

Injectable PrEP: A New Option for HIV Prevention

In 2022, the FDA approved a new form of PrEP, called injectable cabotegravir (brand name Apretude). Apretude is a single, long-acting injection that is given every two months. It is highly effective at preventing HIV infection, just like oral PrEP. Apretude may be a...

Stay Covered: Update Your Medicaid Information

Key Points: Keep Your Medicaid Coverage Active: Update your address with Iowa Health & Human Services (Iowa HHS). Look for Medicaid Renewal Letters: Respond quickly to any mail from Iowa HHS. PHC Can Help: Contact your local PHC clinic for assistance. To make sure...

National HIV Testing Day

National #HIVTestingDay is June 27 and this year’s theme is “HIV Testing is Self-care.” Taking an HIV test is taking care of you. Knowing your status gives you powerful information to help stay healthy. Encouraging people to get tested and know their HIV status can...
Smoking Cessation Group

Smoking Cessation Group

NEW SESSION STARTS June 2021 The Project of Primary Health Care offers Freedom From Smoking® – an 8 sessions group workshop for clients, completed in 7 weeks. Meetings are on 06/14, 06/21, 06/28, 07/05, 07/07, 07/12, 07/19, & 07/26. Meeting time will be...
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