The Importance of Social Support

The Importance of Social Support

The term “social support” often appears in discussions of relationships. Social support means having friends and other people, including family, to turn to in times of need or crisis to give you a broader focus and positive self-image. Social support...
Check Your HIV Health Literacy

Check Your HIV Health Literacy

Health literacy is being able to: Find good health information Understand it Make smart decisions about your health Why is health literacy important? Only 12 percent of adults in the United States are health literate. People with low health literacy are more likely to...
Travelling with HIV

Travelling with HIV

Traveling for business or pleasure was once extremely difficult for people living with HIV/AIDS. Today, with proper treatment, travel is definitely manageable. Here are some ways to stay safe and healthy while travelling. ADVANCE PLANNING Taking a few simple steps...

HIV Co-Infection with Hepatitis C

Today, approximately 25% of HIV-positive people in the US are also infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). This is called HIV and hepatitis C co-infection. Infection with some form of viral hepatitis, whether hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus, is the most common...
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