Stay Covered: Update Your Medicaid Information

Attention PHC patients with Medicaid coverage in Iowa! Ensure your information is up to date with Iowa HHS. Call (800) 338-8366 for assistance and make sure to respond to any mail from Iowa HHS promptly. We’re here to support you.

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Smoking Cessation Group

Smoking Cessation Group

Are you ready to commit to quitting smoking? That’s half the battle. Now that you’re taking this big step, we’re here to help!

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Why do we talk about our pronouns so much?

It has become popular for people who work in public health and social services fields, as well as activists, community organizers, and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community to share their pronouns in social settings. But why is this so important to these groups and what...

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Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available for clients of The Project who are living with HIV and participating in case management services. In order to receive funds, you need to have tried to receive assistance from another organization or government entity prior to...

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