National #HIVTestingDay is June 27 and this year’s theme is “HIV Testing is Self-care.”
Taking an HIV test is taking care of you. Knowing your status gives you powerful information to help stay healthy. Encouraging people to get tested and know their HIV status can help them stay healthy.
Today, there are more free, easy, fast, and confidential HIV testing options available than ever before.
NHTD Event
WHEN: Monday, June 27 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
WHERE: Eeast lot of PHC University.
$5 gas card to Quick Trip to those who get tested at the event!
We’re having a NHTD event on Monday, June 27 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm at the east lot of PHC University. We’re giving away a $5 gas card to Quick Trip to those who get tested at the event.
Testing, including self-testing, is the first step to engaging in HIV prevention or treatment services. HIV testing is a critical tool to helping us end the HIV epidemic in the United States.
The Project of PHC provides free and confidential HIV and STI testing in person, as well as an at-home HIV testing kit (available by request).